Monday, March 6, 2017

Roofing Needs

Our Experts Can Handle Your Roofing Needs
What does your roof currently need right now? Is your roof in dire need of repair? Perhaps the repairs that need to be done are major. If you would not push through with the repairs, the time will come when you have to install a whole new roof on your house, commercial or industrial space. You do not want this to happen. With us, you can be assured that we will give our honest take on your roof’s condition and we will provide services depending on what you would like us to do. Give us a call at 281.377.5867.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Typical Causes of Roof Problems

This is the place to refer to for specific roof repair questions you might have. If you do not find the information that you need, please feel free to call or e-mail us.
A. LACK OF MAINTENANCE - The failure to find and correct minor roof deterioration in the earliest stages is probably the greatest cause of premature roof problems. This is particularly true of roofing materials applied on relatively low-sloped roofs. 
B. WEATHERING - All roofing materials deteriorate from exposure to the weather at rates determined largely by the kind of material and the conditions of exposure. In general, inorganic roofing materials tend to deteriorate less rapidly from exposure than organic roofing materials. All types of roofing materials may be damaged by hail. Exposure to air pollutants and industrial or salt-laden atmospheres may accelerate the deterioration process of some roofing materials. 
C. LACK OF VENTILATION - Heat in unventilated attics may cause temperatures to exceed 150 degrees causing damage to shingles, roof sheeting and possibly to the living area. Moisture being the #1 enemy, cause rot, mildew, mold, paint blisters, and renders insulation to be ineffective.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Hail Damage

What does hail do to your roof? According to the National Weather Service, hail results in roughly $1 billion in damages per year in the United States. Hail threatens most areas of the United States, and the country sustains on average of 3,000 hailstorms per year. Commercial roof structures, like any roof systems, are vulnerable to the damaging effects of hail. Most commercial roof systems are designed to resist damage from hail, severe hail events can still cause considerable damage to these roofing systems. When a storm hits your area, it may be difficult to see if your roof has been damaged. However, there are some ways to determine if any damage has occurred. Below are a few negative implications caused to shingles by a hail storm: Causes immediate or eventual leaking Damages siding and gutters Accelerates granule loss on shingles Accelerates shingle aging Voids manufacturers warranties Leads to other associated problems It may be difficult to inspect most roofs, that’s why it is important to call a professional roofing contractor immediately after the storm. Inspecting your roof after a storm is the first step in assessing damage. Damage can take many forms. While some damage is obvious to identify – other damage is subtler and an expert roof inspector would be best able to diagnose. Call North American Roofing Co. 1(800)717-8224